Archive Mode. Call DFW Community College Juried Exhibition ended on 5/28/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

First Annual DFW Community College Juried Exhibition

Title:    UP and COMING in the DOWN's time
Exhibition Dates:  June 19 - July 17, 2021 
Location:  The University of Texas at Dallas,  SP/N Gallery 
Submission deadline May 28, 2021 

We wish to highlight what creative investigations are happening in these unprecedented times; the undercover glimpses from these isolated chambers of research and expression.  This is not a thematic exhibition but rather a diverse compendium of how the ‘Up and Coming’ creatives from our local Community Colleges are giving voice in such captive, unchartered times. This will be a concurrent Virtual and Live Exhibition**   

WHO:    This is an open call to all Community Colleges Art Students in the DFW area. You must have been actively enrolled in a Community College art course(s)  during one of the semesters in  2020, 2021 year and not currently enrolled in a four year college/ university program.  

 WHERE:  The University of Texas as Dallas’  SP/N Gallery:  A 5,000 sq. ft space divided into 3 galleries located at 3020 Stewart Dr. Richardson, Tx.   75080,  Northside of UTD campus

 WHAT:  Works of all mediums: traditional and digital,  including Sculpture, Painting, Drawing, Photography, Printmaking, Graphic Design, Ceramics, Jewelry, Video.  **Works are limited to 84” in any direction

PRICE:  $7.00 per entry   maximum entries 3. 
Jurors:  Cris Worley, Owner and Director  of Cris Worley Fine Art Gallery, Dallas  and Giovanni Valderas, Gallery Director of the  Ft. Worth Community Arts Center

Awards:  $1,200 in Awards from UTD, with the additional award monies determined by artists entry fees.  (All entry fees will be applied to student awards)   

****To Pay for your entry(s) click on this link.  Entries unpaid by submission deadline will be voided.

Select the number of works you wish to enter 1, 2, or 3.  $7.00 each. (your cart)

Go to check out then click on payment type= electronic (your only choice)
Enter email address and click Checkout as guest

You may then pay by electronic check, ATM card or Credit Card. And then submit. 

If you have issues or questions let us know:

Thanks for your patience- it’s a 5 min. process. You are then good to go and this will be linked to your submission. 

User Entry Process Tutorial

You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.