Archive Mode. Call DFW Community College Juried Exhibition ended on 5/28/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Terms & Conditions

Works will not be for sale, but artist contacts will be available by artists consent 
Works must be original
Images must be an accurate representation of actual work- not photoshopped
Works must be available for entirety of the exhibition
Works must be transportable and installed by artist if an installation work
Works must be delivered in 'ready to hang' condition.
Works must be delivered and picked up within time frames announced*** there is a one week window
By entering a work you grant UTD permission to use your artwork image for publicity and documentation.
***Works not picked up during assigned times will become the property of UTDallas.
Insurance will be provided while artwork is in the possession of the SP/N Gallery  and will cease on released pick up from gallery.


This call has agreed to Terms & Conditions